Absorb-R ToughSound Panel
Absorb-R ToughSound Panel is made up of recycled natural wood fibres, cement and water. These panels are extremely durable making them ideally suited where a high-impact acoustic solution is required, they can be coloured to any RAL, NCS Pantone or BS colour system depending on quantity required.
ToughSound panels can be used on ceilings and walls in areas where busy footfall and resistance to ball impact is commonplace. Their hard-wearing, tough, colourful and shapely designs make them ideally suited for use in areas where reverberant noise levels are an issue and where that quirky design edge is required.
The name ToughSound evokes the functionality of the product. Absorb-R ToughSound acoustic wall and ceiling panels have an open material structure that reduces sound reflections making this product an excellent sound absorber. ToughSound dampens noise, absorbs impact noise thus contributing to restful acoustics within leisure, residential, industrial and public spaces.
This innovative and complete solution can be adapted to a wide range of rooms, from home use, office space to conference halls, auditoria, theatres, recreational sports and educational areas. The Absorb-R ToughSound panel is an environment-friendly, fully recyclable natural components that offer optimal sound absorption and extensive resistance to fire. Surface applications include ceiling and wall mounting.
Absorb-R ToughSound is a high performing high impact sound absorbing panel system, a panel concept with excellent eco credentials.
For more information on this product, refer to the datasheet below. Alternatively, contact one of our offices to speak to a technical advisor.
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